Daniel Keast

Real World Haskell 3

haskell, programming

Finally got it I think. This was bloody tricky.

Write a function that calculates the turn made by three two-dimensional points and returns a Direction.

data Point = Point Int Int
             deriving (Show, Eq)

ccw :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Int
ccw (Point ax ay)
    (Point bx by)
    (Point cx cy) = (bx - ax)
                  * (cy - ay)
                  - (by - ay)
                  * (cx - ax)

direction :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Direction
direction a b c
          | determinant  > 0 = LeftTurn
          | determinant  < 0 = RightTurn
          | determinant == 0 = Straight
          where determinant = ccw a b c

Define a function that takes a list of two-dimensional points and computes the direction of each successive triple. Given a list of points [a,b,c,d,e], it should begin by computing the turn made by [a,b,c], then the turn made by [b,c,d], then [c,d,e]. Your function should return a list of Direction.

directions :: [Point] -> [Direction]
directions []         = []
directions (_:[])     = []
directions (_:_:[])   = []
directions (a:b:c:xs) = direction a b c : directions (b:c:xs)

Using the code from the preceding three exercises, implement Graham’s scan algorithm for the convex hull of a set of 2D points. You can find good description of what a convex hull is, and how the Graham scan algorithm should work, on Wikipedia.

sortByY :: [Point] -> [Point]
sortByY xs = sortBy yThenX xs
           where yThenX (Point ax ay) (Point bx by)
                  | ay < by   = LT
                  | ay > by   = GT
                  | otherwise = compare ax bx

sortByAngle :: Point -> [Point] -> [Point]
sortByAngle p xs = sortBy angle xs
                 where angle a b
                        | det > 0 = LT
                        | det < 0 = GT
                        | otherwise = EQ
                        where det = ccw p a b

gScan :: [Point] -> [Point]
gScan [] = []
gScan (_:[]) = []
gScan (_:_:[]) = []
gScan xs = scan [p] ps
         where sorted = sortByY xs
               p = head sorted
               ps = sortByAngle p (tail sorted)
               scan (x:xs) (a:b:cs) = case direction x a b of
                   LeftTurn  -> scan (a:x:xs) (b:cs)
                   RightTurn -> scan xs (x:b:cs)
                   Straight  -> scan (x:xs) (b:cs)
               scan xs [a] = a:xs