Daniel Keast

Miso Soup


Miso soup is a Japanese soup, made by mixing miso paste into dashi. Dashi is a Japanese stock, made with seaweed and dried and smoked tuna flakes.



  • 10g Kombu
  • 10g katsuboshi
  • 1l water

Dashi Ingredients


  • 1 tablespoon miso paste
  • I put in carrot, cabbage, and spinach but whatever you like

Soup Ingredients



First put the Kombu in the water, and leave in the fridge overnight to steep.

Steeping Kombu

Heat the water and Kombu slowly, and just before it starts to boil remove the Kombu.

Boiling Kombu

Put the Katsuboshi in the water, and then return it to the boil. Remove it from the heat and leave until all the flakes sink to the bottom of the water, which took about 15 minutes here.

Boiling Katsuboshi Sunk Katsuboshi

Then filter the dashi through a sieve.

Filter Dashi


Bring some Dashi to a boil, I used about a third of the amount made above and put the rest in the fridge. Then put the ingredients into the stock which need the most cooking first. I placed the carrot in straight away, after about 7 minutes added the cabbage. I placed the spinach on top of the finished soup.

Take some of the Dashi from the pan, and mix the miso paste into it well.

Mix Miso Paste Mixed Miso Paste

Turn off the heat, and wait for it to stop boiling. Then return the miso paste and dashi back to the pan, and mix in. I served with some rice topped with Furikake.
