Daniel Keast

Beef and Ale Stew


This is roughly a Jamie Oliver recipe, I found it too watery when finished and boiled some of the liquid off at the end. The amount of rosemary and beef is adjusted based on the sizes of packets available to me. I feel like recipes for stews should be a rough guide rather than anything precise.


  • 3 sticks of celery
  • 3-4 carrots depending on size
  • 3 onions
  • 20g fresh rosemary
  • 1 heaped tablespoon plain flour
  • a bottle of ale
  • 400g tin of plum tomatoes
  • 800g diced beef



Roughly chop the carrots, onions and celery into chunks about the same size as the beef. Chopped Vegetables

Fry the vegetables in oil on a medium heat until softened (about 10 minutes). Frying Vegetables Vegetables Softened

Strip the rosemary by grabbing the tip of the stalk in one hand, and running your finger and thumb of the other hand firmly down to the base. Stripped Rosemary

Stir the rosemary into the vegetables. Rosemary Added

Add the flour and stir it in for a couple of minutes. Flour Added

Stir in the ale, and bring to a simmer. Ale Added

Add the tin of tomatoes and break them up, then fill the tin of tomatoes with water, and pour in. Then bring back to a boil. Tomatoes Added Tomatoes Broken Up

Stir in the beef, cover and bring to a low boil. Beef Added

Leave covered for about 2 hours. Covered

Remove the lid and leave cooking until at the desired consistency. Simmer Thickened