This recipe came from BBC Good Food.
Ludwell valley looked lovely this morning.
This should make six cornish pasties.
This is my recipe for a white bread loaf.
I can never remember the command to delete remote git branches, ending up on the page in the git book. Maybe writing it down here will help:
In bash when using tab completion, the first press of the tab key lists out all of the completions:
I just beat the first Mega Man for the NES.
I just completed Phantasy Star, an RPG by Sega for the Master System released in 1988. It has a bright and colourful sci-fi setting, blue skies, space ports, and laser swords.
Ledger is a double-entry accounting application. It defines a simple plain text file format for writing out your accounts, and the
command parses the file and produces reports. An entry looks something like this:
My configuration file for tmux has changed a lot over the years. I ended up with all sorts of custom settings after reading tmux by Brian P. Hogan, and the Arch Wiki page. Both are great resources, but I ended up with a config file that I didn’t fully understand or use. I’ve since trimmed it down to only the parts I use regularly. This should also make upgrades easier, since tmux has a habit of breaking config file compatibility between versions.
I have a little git repository for keeping recipes. They’re all Markdown files, and I use pandoc to convert them into pdfs. I’ve created a Makefile for doing the conversion:
I love video games, and partly started programming in the first place to learn how they work. Recently I’ve been learning OpenGL in an effort to try and build a simple game engine.
I’m playing around with blender tutorials, trying to understand how to make some simple 3d models. The way you move the 3d view port around is by holding in the middle mouse button and moving the mouse around. This is blocked by a default setting in X for my thinkpad that causes middle click drag to emulate a mouse wheel for scrolling.
These are the first exercises of chapter 4.